Choosing a house

First real estate project in Lithuania designed for living on water
The Svencelė Islands offer breathtaking views and aesthetics, the comfort of nature and the cosy tranquillity of the Curonian Lagoon

The only home in Lithuania that can be reached by boat, moored on its own quay and from the terrace you can look out over the Curonian Lagoon painted with sunsets and the Dead Dunes on the horizon.


DO ARCHITECTS projektuoti modernūs namai ant vandens, pastatyti pasitelkiant ekologiškus ir ilgaamžius sprendimus. Jie puikiai tinka gyventi tiek vasarą, tiek žiemą.


Only quality, natural and durable materials are used on the islands of Svencelje. The houses are made of wood, masonry and metal, with eco-friendly and stylish solutions.

Water channels

The Svencelle Islands are home to a water sports centre, giving enthusiasts and fans the chance to make the most of the location.

An environment that inspires

A special feature of the Svencelle Islands are the water channels, which conveniently lead to a private quay in your own backyard. There are plenty of opportunities for travel - the beautiful Curonian Spit is on the other side, Ventė and Minge are nearby, and Klaipėda can be reached in just 20 minutes.

Svencelės Salos žiniasklaidoje

The new port of Svencelle - another spectacular landmark in the Baltic Sea

Važiavo pavalgyti į restoraną, bet surado naują Lietuvos miestą ant vandens: čia jautiesi kaip Olandijoje ar dar toliau


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